ride in supra and honda...

lol i though that this was funny http://videos.streetfire.net/video/9b2495cc-413a-49ab-909e-980a003e5f46.htm.

LMAO,amazing sounds.

:lol: VTEC :lol:


not too shabby on the sound effects lol. woullda been better if they did something with the backround. sounds like me when i get drunk workin on slomies car LOL

uh oh, remind me not to race slomies car…dont want parts flying off at me :lol:

I kid i kid

i love how the camera man shakes the camera at the end…i LOL’d

I couldn’t get past a minute of that stupid funny. even for just sound effects, he shifts really slow. lol

LOL…story behind that = driving with no power steering fluif for A YEAR AND A HALF = no lube for bearings = how the fuck did it last that long??? lol. OOPS

slomies car is another story. bad head after bad head after bad head = not on the road in 2 yrs.

I bet he can’t reproduce the sound of my big block Inline 4 :slight_smile:

While watching the video, i was looking around to make sure nobody saw me watching this video, cause I felt kinda retarded.

Oh, and the VTEC thing, I couldn’t have imitated it any better.

I found Choko’s Sunfire too…

^ lol

