Rider Dies From Head Injury... While Protesting NY Helmet Law

I’m sorry to anyone this offends but I find this sort of comical. I mean the fact that this guy was so stubborn is the reason why he is no longer alive.


Again, there will always be cops assigned to traffic duty so the whole “time spent fighting bigger crimes” thing is moot. Major case detectives aren’t out writing moving violation tickets. And the court systems are profit centers, not cost centers for pretty much every township.

I much rather have a cop that focuses on getting people driving distracted like messing with their GPS, phone, texting, etc. than looking for idiot bikers that want to ride without a helmet on. The cost of time that they allocate to stopping people without one is time that could go to other normal traffic duties. In theory, someone riding without a helmet is just putting themselves at risk versus someone who is on the phone driving putting other drivers at risk.

Unfortunately cops cant see everyone doing these things and their are so many of them, you just cant stop them all from doing it. Your best bet would be to remind someone that these people are out there and if you dont have a helmet on, you may end up like this guy… Slamming on the brakes and going over the handle bars. Shouldnt be something that would make the motorcyclist mad, Instead think of it as the cop giving a shit about your well being.

Helmet law is just another example of our government intruding on our rights, common sense should tell you to wear a helmet, not the government. I am against helmet laws just like I’m against seat-belt laws and any other “law” of that type.

That said, this article is further proof that if the government let people be stupid, we’d have a much smarter population.

Our society is so litigious and so unaccountable that helmet laws just make everything easier on “the system”. I wish that weren’t the case, but until people start taking responsibility for their decisions, then the the government feels like they need to. I don’t blame them.

I wish that someone could be severely or fataly injured in this country in a situation where a helmet would have prevented it without the victim or his family trying to file some sort of lawsuit or other type of fingerpointing, but it doesn’t happen like that and we only have ourselves to blame.

^ This. It’s not so much the government protecting you from yourself, but protecting everyone else from you (or your surviving relatives) and your lawyer.

I mean one positive I can see out of this with no helmets would be far less idiots doing wheelies on the roads. Either they wont do it because of fear, or they will and will crash. So really the only ones you will find doing wheelies are probably going to be the ones that dont screw up.