Rider Dies From Head Injury... While Protesting NY Helmet Law

Well that didn’t go as planned:

New York man died Sunday while participating in a ride with 550 other motorcyclists to protest the state’s mandatory helmet law.

“The medical expert we discussed the case with who pronounced him deceased stated that he would’ve no doubt survived the accident had he been wearing a helmet,” state Trooper Jack Keller told ABC News 9 in Syracuse.

read this last nite…what a bonehead


I think i would always wear my helmet no matter what state i was in. Not only for the sake of protection, but because when i get done riding i have about 20bugs i have to clean off my visor everytime. i dont want that shit all over my face Lol

^ i felt the same way… things change. I ride like a weinie when I dont have my gear on. I also take less congested routes.

When I wear my suit and boots, I ride like a dick

Is this ironicness?

i’d wear my helmet anywhere. fuck that shit. retards.

Darwin could be great for population control. I personally would always wear a helmet but hey, if people don’t want to, let them. Same thing with seatbelts. If you dont want to wear them and go flying through the windshield, go for it.

I’d ride without one if I were just cruising like willybeen said. We’ve all got to die of something.

I’m a big fan of helmets for anything. I like dangerous stuff, but why not not hedge it in your favor?

I think the laws are not just there to protect people but to also keep the cost to the public down. Think about what it costs society to scrape you off the pavement, do accident scene re-enactments (which happens anytime someone dies), the cost off the police, cars, wear and tear, fuel, wages, etc. Then there’s the further reaching costs to the economy. Statistics for this kind of thing are almost hilarious. When the total economic costs of drunk driving is calculated I believe its somewhere in the billions.

I mean I’m all for population control and all but in times like this we can’t be losing valuable tax payers and economic contributors like this :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh the ironing

Darwin wins again…I mean, seriously, what the fuck…

They should leave the dead there for natural to take care of, but with a note stating why it happened to remind people to be cautious.

EDIT: sometimes it’s not the person/victims fault, I wrote this mostly sarcastically.

Saw this last night.


+1 to the use a helmet regardless of law crew.

while on a track right…

Would the cost to clean someone up and respond to this be cheaper than the patrols enforcing the helmet law?

Not to mention less safety equipment means higher insurance rates,eff that.

Much cheaper. Enforcing isn’t really a cost. The police are already out doing regular traffic enforcement and it’s not like they require specialized equipment to spot a guy without a helmet. Plus any violation they write is money going INTO the system.

Ya but them writing a ticket to enforce it has the hidden costs such as their time not spend working on other cases or looking out for bigger crimes. Also, people who get tickets are going into the court system making them more busy.