Bicycle helmets... do you wear one?

I’m just getting back into riding after not being on a bike since college. I was surprised to see how many adults wear helmets now.

Doing a little reading this morning I found out it’s actually law in all Erie County parks that all ages have to wear them.


A customer of ours was in an accident with a car and slammed his head on the pavement. He was only going a few MPH but if he didnt have his helmet on, he probably would have been dead or severely injured.

IMO its a simple thing to do to prevent a major injury.

i ride a decent amount and usually don’t wear a helmet… but if im going for a ride with a group of adults i almost always wear a helmet, just because we take main roads threw the country and cars drive like assholes

mountain biking, yes, dont feel like hitting a tree or having my tire kick out on roots and going head first into the ground.

other than that, no i dont wear a helmet

edit: you should have a poll for “in certain cases i wear a helmet”

I remember when they put in the helmet law for ages 13 and below. I got stopped and gave an amherst cop a 15 minute lecture at like age 11 on why the helmet law sucked and infringed on personal freedoms and discriminated against kids. He took me home and told my parents to send me to law school.

When I lived next to Sprague Brook and rode there I actually received a warning about helmets. That was a long time ago. The first day I wore a helmet I went over the bars and actually punctured the helmet. Thank God I had it on or I may have gotten a stick to the brain.

Actually just before the helmet law, i was riding my bike, looked back to see where my brother was, who was chasing me on foot. Apparently, i looked back to see where he was and lost control, fall backwards off the bike and hitting my head, giving me one bad concussion. only thing i remember was showing up to the hospital, nothing before, nothing inbetween until i showed up to the hospital. so wearing a helmet is a good thing, but ride at your own risk is the only thing i can say.

I haven’t rode in a long time, but if I were to ride where there was heavy traffic, you bet your ass I’m wearing a helmet.

My cousin’s husband was just killed last week from not wearing a helmet. :frowning:

This also reminds me of a story. When I was little, my friends and I would ride our bikes down this steep hill really fast. I beat my friend so I stopped at the bottom of the hill to wait for her. Apparently she wasn’t paying attention, because all of a sudden she slammed into the back of my bike. I flew off and landed on my head. My helmet was cracked in 3 places, but I was ok. :slight_smile:

The law requiring them in the parks seems so stupid to me, but then again, it is Erie County. I wouldn’t agree with requiring them on the road but at least with the traffic it would make sense.

Mountain biking I do. I don’t ride my bike on the roads, so can’t really comment otherwise.

Theres no way an Amherst cop would listen to an 11 year old kid “lecture him” even for one minute.

I hated waring a helmet when I was younger because of how ridiculously “uncool” it was, but I think I would wear one now. It is just as easy as a seat belt.

He thought it was funny when he was taking me back to my house. He made the mistake of asking me why i dont wear a helmet

can’t ride w/o one, feel naked. take one good shot to the head and you’ll never go w/o one again…

normally no.
if im going on trails i do.

I really should.

depends on what I’m doing.

Yeah, I guess I’m going to pick one up. I’m part of that generation that grew up without one even as a kid and stopped riding just about the time helmets really started catching on. I didn’t even think about it until last night when I was cruising around the bike path along N. Forest and noticed how many people had them.

I only wear it if I plan on doing some gnarly hills

I ride several hundered miles a year on my roadbike, less than a hundered of them with a helmet. (only if I am riding the city streets for a long time, car doors scare me into it)


I’m the opposite… If I’m in the city I feel like I’m in far better control and don’t wear a helmet at all.

the country high speed rides is when I do