Rider down

Just leaving lake George and there
Was a bike in the ditch with tons of state police and crash reconstruction people around between exits 18 and 17 southbound on the northway. Bike looked to be a blue Harley.

Yikes…Hope the rider is ok.

How Blue? USMC Greg has a Blue Harley … hopefully it wasn’t him…

Yea passed this too last night. Pretty scary to see

Hope the rider is okay. This is always bad news.

Just messaged Greg. It was not him. Still hope the rider is ok.

Kenny I hope u didn’t have anything important in the box the mail man delivered because I watched him throw it from like 5 feet away and it bounced… Sry to thread jack and hope the rider is ok

lol. No, it was just a couple lights for my car trailer. Thanks for looking out though.