Rifle Guys, Boom boom bang bang.

I’m still being told another 3 weeks on ARs I order just before all the craziness started.

Damn oh well. I’m going to wait another 6 months until this craziness stops before building my next ar and rem 700. Unless I find a killer deal of course.

I have been waiting more than 3 weeks for a friggin shot guns from Dick’s. WTF?

LoL WHY!? What did you order/want?

That Mossberg is kind of interesting. 18.5 is kind of short for a bench gun though.

The guy said 3 days maybe 6 at the most.

i would not really say its short. i shoot 6/700 yards with a 18" ar

yeah, impactguns.com isnt going to work out.

Finally got on the phone with them again and the CS rep couldn’t confirm the gun was still there. I told them to cancel the order entirely.

Now, I either wait until this craze dies down and buy then… or check out something FTF when tax return comes in.

Oh well.

---------- Post added at 04:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 PM ----------

EDIT: I am a member on nyfirearms now, and will continue to check classifieds, but if someone comes across anything local, lmk!

What upper did you go with? This is my next build.

I ended up with a Colt a2 upper for a great price. Paid $310 for the upper minus bolt. But came with a buffer spring and 9mm buffer.

Its more of a scout gun, something to bring through the woods with you that can reach out to a solid 200 yards, maybe 300 if prone? We’ll see I just got it today. They do offer it in 20", 24" and 26" if you can find one. I really like the idea of the 18.5" barrel with a 2" or so flash hider on the end. I was looking for the 20" but I’m ok with the 18.5". When I want to go long range I’ll just finish a Remington 700 5R.


Wanna part with a lower :stuck_out_tongue: I have an itch for another build but my lowers I ordered wont be in till atleast march.


Don’t feel like waiting a month for one to be shipped. I prob will order this week if I don’t find one now priced reasonable local.

And I got 5 pre ban mags for 20 a peice

Those should sell real quick. They 20 or 30 rounders? Any dates? Pm me of you want. Might be interested in all.

LZ I want that upper if you wanna sell it.


Damn lol was about to say deal of the new year haha, few months ago I was getting them for $12 now your lucky to get a non dated for 35-40