right hand drive cars

i have seen a lot of right hand drive car but what i wanted to know is if the car is manuall what side is the clutch and gas on gas on the right or the left ?

The position of the pedals is exact same as a left hand drive car (clutch left, gas right)

The only difference in layout is that the signal light lever is on the right of the steering column. Shift layout is the same too.

Shifting from fourth to fifth with your left hand is about the hardest thing to get used to.

and if you drive a right hand and left hand drive car you will no doubt accidently turn on your wipers when you meant to signal.

WERD! I hate going to 5th. Getting better though.

Don’t you just go over and up on a 4-5 shift? It doesn’t SOUND like it would be too hard.

Next time I meet up with one of you RHD guys I’ll have to jump in and try it out!

The signal stalk on the wrong side would be freaking weird.

I never had a problem going from 4-5 in my MR2. The signals/wipers were a bitch as I would alternate between the 240 and MR2 daily and get very very confused. But if you were consistently driving a RHD car I can’t see as that being too much of a problem.

Hehe, hehe, hehe. You said “stalk”. Hehe, hehe, hehe. :rolleyes:

When I switch from RHD to LHD, I’ll hit the wipers and cut people off sometimes :oops:

Another thing that takes some getting used to is staying in your lane. Driving LHD you’re used to sitting on the left side of the lane. When you’re sitting on the right side of the lane, you naturally tend to drift towards the left side of the lane. It’s annoying at first but you get used to it pretty quick.

Totally. Or the opposite which is to overcompensate and look like you are about to hit the ditch at any moment.

E-brake is the weirdest to get used to …just for parking purposes and such …it jsut feels wrong in the left hand … on my rx7 it was still on the usdm side of the console which was even weirder

it’s not hard, it’s just when you’ve gotten used to pushing it away from you and now you’re pulling it towards yourself, it feels like your throwing it into reverse sort of.

hahahahahaha i did that when i drove robs auto q’s that things is SLOW!