Right place at the right time

Yesterday I was out with my brother, and we stoped at mighty for a bite. When we got done eating we went out to my truck and there was a car parked next to me with two girls in it. The one in the drivers seat was acting like she was pulling her shirt down. I rolled down my window and said “lets see um” she says “well it is mardi gras” and then proceeds to pull out the biggest tits I ever set eyes on.

She was maybe a 6.5


Pics or it didn’t happen.


sorry no pics, so I will ban myself for 2 days


This thread sucks. :tdown:

you know you can’t post something like that without any backlash… its just a given

ROFL :lol:

Mod’s make it happen.

Wow you think with all the phones having camaras now a days you would have a pic

good job there chief

best part is the chick soooo stoopid that she though mardi-gras was on thursday

Good post though…sucks with out the pics but no one caries a cam around with them everywhere they go and there are some ppl out there that like to hear these stories

wow you saw bewbs …
welcome to 5th grade
if you told me this in public, I would call you chief proceed to laugh give you noogies and flick a ciggerette butt at you:)

great story dude.


this is probably the best story i’ve heard ever.


Banning you would not get my 30 seconds back… so I’ll let this go. One more post like this without picks will result in a banning though! :nono: