ring and run me?

so last night around 8pm im watching tv and the doorbell rings. i go to the door and nothing. hum… i put my shoes on and start walking around and investigating. not seeing anything but i know some little kid is attempting to pull the wool over my eyes. so im still looking and all the sudden this kid pops out of the bushes randomly across the street. me automaticly knowing it was him i say…

“so we are ringing and running this early in the season huh?”

kid-“um no i didnt no anything”

me-“i call BULLSHIT!”

kid-“ok ok u cought us! hehe ur good! so did u do this when u were little too?”

me-“yes but…dude ur like 16, wtf are u doing ringing and running? quit ur shit and go get some little girl pregnant or something”

and that was that. so…if they do it again, im going to follow them to there house and nagger knock on there windows late at night. scare the shit out of them.

Cool story meat head.

thanks cheedo breath.

How did you see me in the bushes?

No one ever sees me in the bushes. :shifty


haha, I’m gonna start doing that again…ummmmm
What about, “burn out and run”?? that sounds like more fun anyway…

Spray some pepper spray on the button for the doorbell and hope he tries it again. Sooner or later the kid will pick his nose lol.

or scratch his eye…

thats soooo funny because i thought of putting shit on it. hahha

I thought this story was going to end with it being Chris. :rofl


if u ever neg me again, im going to find your matchbox fantasy world and play godzilla! :Idiots

i was waiting to find him or sully in my backyard or something. then i was going to pick up some dog shit and toss it at them. haha

I swear I didnt neg you. Somebody is leaving negs for alot of people with my name at the end of the comment. Ive even got some from other people who said they didnt neg me and left another members name at the end.

i had a feeling this was the case.

ok well i take back the godzilla comment. but u gotta admit it was funny. u seem too nice to be pulling this shit. prob brett or someone.

Yeah, I laughed a bit.
Brett is my first guess.

both of you are wrong. but thanks for assuming. shows how much you know me.


ps: i was saying u because i know how buddy buddy u 2 are. :hug

Haha sick, my little kid decoys worked :slight_smile:

funny thing is, i think this kid was bigger than u.