Road rage cought on tape
For language:

You got knocked the FUCK OUT

talk that much shit and then get one shotted

lol dude got dropped. idiot got what he deserved, shoulda walked away when he saw dude was twice the size of him.

oh man thats awesome, that guy kept his cool for way too long.

Very true,i would have lost it once i got spit on.

I was hoping that douche would lose his balance and get taken out by a passing car.

I thought that he was going to get rolled over…
Got punked :whip:

haha the cop was like shut the fuck up i saw the whole thing

lol hell yeah, that cop rules

that cop ruled…

ugh… you beat me to it… damnit…


Fucking awesome.

That lady cop seems to be a bitch :stuck_out_tongue:
oh well.
a job is a job.
safety is important.

i disagree that the cop rules. he was just on the side of the camera in this instance.

Cop: what the fuck are you doing beating on his nice car?
Guy: Dude, he…
Cop (interrupting): Shut the fuck up!

But that guy did get rolled.