Road Trip

Leaving tomorrow morning for Flordia to go to the Penn State Bowl Game!!!

me and 4 of my friends are leaving sunday, and driving to Charlotte and staying with a friends Uncle for the rest of the day/nite, prob. do a little golfing and what not. Then early monday morning drive down to Flordia! Met up with the same kids family that lives in Flordia, and stay at his cousins house that is out of town! go to the beach, and maybe some deep see fishing! then Tuesday! beach and what not, then game Tuesday nite! leave either wed. or thursday!

We Are

a sucky team


what a waste of time and money. :doh:

and what rank is wvu???


total money spent…150-200 dollars

that’s almost a cam for your turd

awesome, i was debating going to the game, but no one else really wanted to go, i was gonna fly…

i still have plenty of money for a cam kit!

I dont like either team so i dont care my teams are pitt and the miami hurricanes

hahahaha miami got owned last nite!! thought it was going to be a better game then it turned out to be!

i was going to go but not after i found out how much i’d be spending…specially when i gotta pay for my motor next week. but i would have liked to go to see all the florida ladies :smiley: