Road Trip

don’t come on here acting all big and bad knowing damn well we call each other friends(wonder how long that will last) there was so much shit i heard up at miracle mile about you know who but im not startin shit between others. You haven’t said shit to my face so don’t act like it because i hate liars and people who put on fronts. and 300 bucks from my dad? um how about no and whatever you say about me stays about me leave whoever i live with or whoever i’m related to out of it. Don’t come on pittspeed acting like an ass meanwhile you know damn well what you said up at miracle mile wouldn’t be said to that persons face. And i’m acting like a jackass? please don’t act like you haven’t done your fair share outside of pittspeed. If you have something to say thats what aim is for…and the truth needs to be spoken not ur bs lies