Roaming profiles (domain, not local)

So, yeah - Domain is 2000, all users running XP SP2

Roaming profiles - I’ve been able to get it to work with smaller profiles (sub 100MB) but with the larger ones (like mine, 9GB lol), I’ve had problems.

I want to be able to exclude items like stuff on the desktop.

Anyone know how to do it?

Nevermind - I figured it out

9GB profile huh? Might want to move all that pr0n off your desktop and into a folder outside of Documents and Settings :wink:

whats a local roaming profile lol

and 9gb profile is RETARTED - i hope that HDD takes a shit and they lose all there cough porn cough work

:lol: it roams the computer moving from folder to folder spreading its porn all over the place

i don’t even know what the fuck I was thinking…?


fucking long as day at work man