Firefox; change profile?

OK so yesterday when I go to open firefox a thing pops up saying that profile is already in use, and i cant get on, so i just make another one

how do i switch back to the old one/ its got all my shit on there

i just looked up some firefox profile stuff… about 10 minutes ago… but not related to this.
i modified prefs.js in the cache folder. maybe that has some setting that you are looking for?


control alt delete…kill the process in task manager…double click firefox to initiate new instance of program.

happens everyknow and then, jsut do as marcus said

firefox can get stuipid , ijust kill it and restart it

thats what i could have done before

but now its on a different profile.

so how do i change it back to the original?

all my bookmarks and all that were on there

happens to me alot, once yer on the other profile yer screwed.start over. I havent been able to figure that out either. If it happens again restart.

restart the program through task manager, usually does the trick

i just got that today, now ALL my bookmarks are gone gone gone :frowning:

as I said…above

same thing happened to me

same, anybody?

Only my second post, but hopefully a helpful one.
Close the firefox explorer as stated in previous posts, then open up your windows start menu and choose the run command. the type in firefox.exe -P This should get you to the profile manager page. then select your previous profile. hopefully this helps.

yeah what you people were all saying before idesicle were only right up to a point lol.

If you get the message about changing profiles and you do it, the old one is ‘lost’ and ctrl-alt-del wont get it back.

reference for help with other problems with profiles.


thank you!

heh… wierd… been running FF for years now and have never seen this before