Roasted Elderly?

Elderly ladies trapped in car for two hours

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Two elderly women are recovering from heat stroke and heat exhaustion after locking themselves in a hot car.
Officials say the women were in a Cadillac at a Daytona Beach mall. Their battery apparently died and the automatic locks failed, and authorities say the women didn’t know they could unlock the doors manually.
The women were trapped for nearly two hours before a passerby spotted a plea for help they wrote on the back of a tissue box.
Authorities smashed a window to get the ladies out.


straight roffle.

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wow, how dumb can you be?





but…maybe they didnt have enough strength to break the window? god, i dunno?

thats great

watch, its my grandmother :ham:

lol @ the women didn’t know they could unlock the doors manually.

Am I to assume that at least one of these elders had a license to drive the 3000# bullet around the streets of these United States?

ok, as far as I’m concerned, Darwin would agree, if you can’t get out of a car by opening the doors in a parking lot, you deserve to die in it. PATHETIC

:In-before-they-sue-Ford-for-not-totally-idiot-proofing-their-design: (I’m sure they were driving a Crown Vic…)

That’s kinda light for a caddy.

i can’t tell what it is.

Yeah I think it is safe to assume it was some nondescript domestic sedan weighing at least 4000#.

The note is the best part.:mamoru:

old linclon or caddy

edit: Officials say the women were in a Cadillac at a Daytona Beach


In this point and click generation I can’t be bothered to know how to unlock my doors manually. Technology has taken care of all of my modern day problems for me. And if technology finds it necessary to try to cook me in my Caddy…so be it.

omg they couldnt figure how to unlock the doors so they just sat there

Holy shit, it’s like the blondestar ad came to life.


My mom had almost the exact same thing happen to her…

Dad got out of the car, locked the doors and walked away, mom hadn’t opened the door yet.
Mom panics, hilarity ensues, including an awesome voicemail to my aunt.
Non-stop ribbing for the next few days… :biglaugh: