Roll Call v. I GOT NO POWER

damn. still?

thats gayer than a sack of dicks.

its a pile of them … so i know whats wrong and they would not let me tell them so they can come somewhat preped for what needs to get done…

kinda funny also this morning at 830 they told me there was a problem with one of the polls between my house and the road next to me called Utley Rd. i told the chick no shit you know thats my poll right (if anyone does not know i own all the land to said side street and all polls are on my land)… she was like sir they will get to you when you # comes up on there work order… even better there was a crew next to my house for 4 hours yesterday and i went to ask if they can fix my problem and they said they could not …

so recap of last night on the phone i told them that the porcelain insulator was broke from the line to my transformer… the girl was like or thats a easy fix i dont know why they did not do it yet…

F my life

man that is so shitty. where i use to live, the October storm obviously kill my power. what sucked was the streets like all around us had power when it came back for them, and it was like 2 days before we got ours back due to being on a different power grid. we had to run fucking extension cords from the houses on the other streets. lol it sucked! you would look all around you and everyone had power but the houses on our side. lol

does anyone know what kinda legal issues i would run into if i was to push over the poll in my yard…i know i can get it over… the guy i just talked to said if there was a down line/or the poll was down my house would get put to the top of the list…???

Just Askin

I own the land :gotme:

you don’t own the land that the pole is on.

it’s a utility easement.


i know i have the easement in front of me… i also told said dood that i was going to void it… he told me i could not

but really what is i hit it with the truck… a tree fell on it, its fucked anyway (the truck not the poll)

“Hoverboards dont work on water”

Sry, I just had to get that off my chest…

lol that movie has been on a lot on HBO but i could not tell ya if its still there :(… i also missed true blood … kinda pissed

lol you said you got it for a reason, to hit shit with it. knock down the pull! lol

i know but i want to know… if they could like wright me a ticket or what will happen … i looked threw all my penal code law books i have and could not find anything

its probably a federal offence. since it has to do with the electric company, do they consider that government property?

yea but if its like 48 hrs in the holding center and like 200 in fines ill do it … but i think if i had a tractor and i hit it while “mowing” it would be different… i know when i smashed a poll with a car i had to buy the poll in fines

lol total the rest of the jeep if its that bad. do some donuts on the law and ooopps “i hit the poll while driving around in my truck on my lawn”




right so what was the ILI?

oh…I like it

oh thanks!

Fisher court did. Was in the middle of a sweet firefight on 360 too. i was pissed. lol