Roll Call v. I GOT NO POWER

:wave: I got power last night at 7:30 … we where on our way to springville to get more gas and we passed a crew of 3 trucks i pulled over and tried to get them to stop all they did was drive by and wave… so we turned around and ended up cutting them off at my house i got them to stop in front of it they where not getting by me and the wife where in the street… and i asked if they can fix my house they had to call there boss and ask if the order was there and if they could do it… he told them to look at it and if they want to then they could … so the walk back dude says ok pull a truck in …they back it up put the outrigs out and in less then 5 min they were done and I had power back on…it was that easy of a fix …I was on the schedule/work order for friday at 2pm … good thing i stoped them

No power since Sat! I love cold showers!!

Office has power now, so I’m staying here lol.

nice stop! way to get the power back. show authority.

yeaaaaa its off sweet

move to civilization :violin:

You haven’t had power since 9-15-2008? You should probably call someone about that.:slight_smile: