ron paul 2008

i hate to say this but ron paul is pretty much finished, he got pwned on super tuesday

as much as I support him, I think he is finished. I wont stop supporting him until he resigns though.

as long as Mccain doesnt get in! I fucking hate him! I would vote democratic before I voted for Mccain.

^Seriously how the hell is McCain getting all these Republican votes?
I just don’t get it.

you think the god squad would vote for someone in favor of legalizing and taxing drugs and bringing in a huge windfall for the government, in both new tax money and reduced spending on prosecuting for possession? “Moral Values” are way more important to them. God doesn’t like people who smoke weed. :picard:

Are you talking about Romney?

Way to know the guy you think is so great. :picard:

Ron Paul.
From him on Meet the Press, late 07:
In your 1988 campaign you said, “All drugs should be decriminalized. Drugs should be distributed by any adult to other adults. There should be no controls on production, supply or purchase for adults.” Is that still your position?

A: Yeah. It’s sort of like alcohol. Alcohol’s a deadly drug, kills more people than anything else. And today the absurdity on this war on drugs has just been horrible. Now the federal government takes over and overrules states where state laws permit medicinal marijuana 1 for people dying of cancer. The federal government goes in and arrests these people, put them in prison with mandatory sentences. This war on drugs is totally out of control. If you want to regulate cigarettes and alcohol and drugs, it should be at the state level. That’s where I stand on it. The federal government has no prerogatives on this.
Q: But you would decriminalize it? A: I would, at the federal level. I don’t have control over the states. And that’s why the Constitution’s there.

I totally agree with his views on personal freedoms. If he was closer to me on some other things, I’d actually support him.

EDIT: beaten. damn.

I knew that, my point was that Romney was not getting votes over McCain.
I was being a smart-ass.
Next time I will spell it out for you.:picard::stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a stupid idea really. Legalize pot, fine, but keep the serious drugs illegal.

You can tell how old he is by the fact that he thinks one state outlawing it while another keeps it legal is a good idea. Maybe when you’re that old driving out of state is a big deal in your model T, but really state borders are nothing.

Great example, fireworks. They’re illegal here, but legal in PA. If cocaine was the same way you’d have a big coke store just across the NY PA line, and while PA might have lots of systems in place to keep track of it’s legal cocaine, any idiot from NY could just drive across the border and buy some.

Some laws need to be federal so they are the same coast to coast. He likes to say, “well according to the Constitution…”. Guess what, when it was written 99.9% of state’s population never stepped foot in another state. So having widely varying laws from state to state wasn’t a big deal. I have a friend now who travels 5 days a week for her job and I bet there are days when she forgets what state she’s even in.

I think a lot of my social views actually match up better with the Libertarians than the Democratic party…scary thought. (Gun control, race issues, drug policy, isolationism militarily)

Now if only they were anywhere near me on economics.


Even Fox news won’t admit the support behind this guy.
It shows you how deep this shit is that we are standing in.
Eventually it will be over our heads.(If it isn’t already)

You might get that when you text them, but they said DIALING. No way his phone displayed that from calling a phone number.

I know, you miss the good old days when you just told the operator who you wanted to call and she connected you. :wink:

I know, you miss the good old days when you just told the operator who you wanted to call and she connected you. :wink:

Ron Paul is an idiot

Drifter’s gone off the deep end. Looks like JayS is on his own defending the republicans on this board.

No way man, I’m voting Hillary because McCain is too liberal. :bloated:

That’s Dr. Ron Paul to you.

dude, do you have any idea how far out there Paul is?

Yeah, that pesky constitution thing.