Ron Paul 2nd in Nevada Caucus right now!

The fact that you go to the polls and vote for someone who doesn’t do what they say they are going to do in their campaigning. So you have to make a guess at who won’t do the most damage to our economy and everything, and even then they might not become President. So why follow lies and deceits for almost a year or so and then go to polls and screw up your vote anyway? I guess that’s just politics.

Also to go with what I said about not voting I’m not one of those nonvoters that complain about things that go on in the white house or with our country. I’m in the military right now in Iraq, but my voting isn’t going to stop us being here since we’re already here and know we’re not leaving for a while. I like to poke fun at people who are into politics and have argumentative debates about it and I like to argue with them. Makes for interesting conversations.