Ron Paul 2nd in Nevada Caucus right now!

I am not anti-Ron Paul…Just trying to see where you are coming from Dr. Darkstar :wink: What is it beside him being from Greentree and honest, that you are so in favor of? How is he going to establish all these radical changes that he is so interested in imposing? Getting rid of all government agencies? Removing income tax? How are the poor in this country going to survive? Ton’s of people sit on SSI/DLA money and count on it every month/year etc. With all the babyboomers retiring in the next couple of years, how much is that going to drain the economy alone? I haven’t made up my mind about my candidate, but from previous elections they all overpromise and underdeliver. For instance, Bush wanted to privatize Social Security. That never came to fruition, but i thought it was a good idea. Unfortunately, he didn’t tell us the truth about his ventures and what he’ll actually do vs. what they promise. Ya know…