Ron Paul 2nd in Nevada Caucus right now!

I don’t really know where you were going with that, but “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.” hehe

The problem with helping the little guys in our current system is that the truly successful businesses and corporations are well connected with the congress and other federal level bureaucracies. The poor are also given some assistance and advantages. This leaves the actual working people in the middle to get crushed by the tax burden with no special favors (poor) or easy revenue (rich).

Either we’ll return to truly free markets or we will decline. Taking money from the masses, and giving it to the poor, and giving it to the rich (by way of government contracts and inflation) will not work much longer.

Freedom is that right, I agree. I think you missed the first part of what I wrote: “He is definitely a Libertarian, which means basically that he wants government out of our lives almost totally. I say almost, because Libs very much believe in police forces and armies; that’s about it. They do not see our society in terms of a “social contract”, that we are all in this together and have to organize things to supply the basics necessaries to that achievement of happiness in which our Founding Fathers believed. Libertarians want to privatize the government exactly the way the Bush administration is doing.”

Sorry, you don’t just remove government from society. It won’t work and will only create unnecessary turmoil. I think Ron Paul has tons of valid and good points, but I just do not see how it will help America as a whole for all classes, especially lower and middle. The rich have been flourishing in this 8 year stint, we can put them on the backburner for at least 1 presidential term.

:doh: Then you should vote that way, not Ron Paul who is in the Republican GOP. I thought this was about bettering the USandA, not what party you want to support? Aren’t we talking about what these candidates stand for? You said that you like him mostly for his Foreign Policy ideas. (Only reason they are ideas is because he’s not elected and until he is, they cannot come to fruition). He isn’t the only one with similar views on Foreign Policy. I was doing some more reading, feel free to do the same.

Ron Paul:

Mitt Romney:


Barack Obama:

John Edwards:

John McCain:

Mike Huckabee:

Rudy Giuliani:

Some of the others aren’t as descriptive as the ones I found above! Kucinich/Gravel/Keyes/Hunter etc…