You have to understand that there are 6 other people running for the Republican nomination right now. Only one of them will get it. Say Romney gets it. Now all of the McCain/Huckabee/Thompson/Guiliani supporters have to find someone else to support. If they hate Romney, and cant vote for Hillary or O’Bama… then they will have Ron Paul as a 3rd choice. If he wins this election if will be as an independent. This whole republican nomination thing is just a springboard for his independent run.

He polls very high among independents… He got over 65% of the independent vote in Nevada… Plus he could steal a lot of votes from the Democrats. A lot of people won’t want to vote for Hillary or O’bama depending on which one wins. He just has to steal a little from the Dems, a little from the republicans and nail the independent vote. If he’s already getting an average of 10% of the Republican vote, thats actually looking really good for him in an independent run. Don’t let the media and the poll numbers fool you.


Now crack open that wallet, bitch!