Or we could just fix the healthcare system so it isn’t so fucking expensive. Also, the insurance sucks here even if you DO have it. So it’s not like once you have healthcare everything is gravy.

The government doesn’t need to be intrusive so you can act according to you own will. The Government IS intrusive, because there is no other way to govern really

Sure they can. They can stay the fuck out of my life. Give me roads, schools, police and fire dept to protect me and my property. Government is supposed to be the LUBRICATION for society. This government is FAR from that.

Yes, there should be some kind of regulation for the lower class to help them educate themselves better and not just sit home and reproduce to increase their paychecks. We both really agree on this point.

No we don’t. Unless you have some sort of disability, you can find work and scratch out a decent living. You might not be driving a brand new car and have a nice new house, but you can get by. If you’re too stupid or lazy or make poor decisions to get yourself into a situation where you’re fucked, then thats your fault and it’s not the government’s job to bail your ass out. The government should not be a safety net for the stupid. Especially not when they’re using my money.