I never said it was a smart decision, but that’s the reality of life and what we deal with. These corporations are being subsidized by the government.

Or we could just fix the healthcare system so it isn’t so fucking expensive. Also, the insurance sucks here even if you DO have it. So it’s not like once you have healthcare everything is gravy.

Yes, because this is such an easy task. Here is what your buddy R. Paul said: The bottom line is simple: we need to lessen government involvement in the healthcare industry and return control of healthcare dollars and decisions to the individual." But, wtf does that really mean? NOTHING. He want to privatize it so that a business mentality runs our health system. Great!

Sure they can. They can stay the fuck out of my life. Give me roads, schools, police and fire dept to protect me and my property. Government is supposed to be the LUBRICATION for society. This government is FAR from that.

That’s YOUR Libertarian view. There are lots of people that would disagree with you.

I don’t ahve the time to finish this now…