Roofing pitchfork

long story short, gotta strip my one car garage into my trailer so i won’t need it long,weekend at most. Anyone got one i can borrow?


most tool rental places rent them for like $5 day

Just use a flat spade shovel, works great

oh snap, didn’t realize they would have such a simple hand tool available as well, just thought it would be too petty to bother stocking. so i should be set everyone. thanks

Use this as an excuse to go buy another tool :tup:

use a real roofing shovel, they pull nails so well, and have the fulcrum on the bottom for leverage. I have been doing my dads garage this week, a real roofing shovel works so much better than a edging shovel.

pitch fork works great too

I got a roofing shovel if you need zac, might have a pitch too. may also have half a roll of tar and 1/2 box nails call me

awesome, thanks Paul, i’ll give you a ring tonight or tomorrow. got 14 or 15 bundles of shingles, and some 3 tabs for the cap from my inlaws as they over estimated their purchase for their roof job. just need to buy the time to go get a permit. i have a permit/code nazi across the street or else i would just do it.