RP Sport Subframe Supports.

Im thining of getting a set of these. Was wondering if anyone herea has tried any.

If anyone else is interested, we could prolly save on shipping or maybe a group buy of some sort. I can try to arrange it,


We are pleased to bring to you the new RPSport Subframe Support Brace. The hottest new product for the S13 in 2009! The RPSport Subframe Support Brace replaces the factory support bar between the rear subframe and the mounting hat and the chassis of the car. With our years of experience we have developed this brace, out of the highest quality aerospace grade alloy.

The factory bar is a mere 1/8th of an inch thick x 1 inch wide. Made of mild steel, the bar is there to absorb some subframe flex against the rubber mounts. From the factory, these bars are straight when installed in the S13. Quickly over time though, the bars bend and twist. This can be due to many factors, but nearly every S13 that has ever come through RPSports doors has had the factory support bar bent on at least one side.

Go outside now and check your own car!!

"When I spoke to John on the phone about the product I was expecting something really different. I didn’t even know what that part was for when he first showed me. But when he showed my bent up oem part on my car I quickly realized that this part was something that no one ever thought of.

I showed the part to a couple of my friends and asked what they thought. Most were hesitant about it questioning whether it would make a difference or not. But since I was curious I asked John to install it for me (yes I was tired from working on the car all night and morning) and seriously it took him not even 10 minutes to install.

Once he was finished I checked the part and everything was super legit. It fit perfectly and looked super strong like it was meant to be. Now that the part was on I had to see if it made a difference. I mean how could one little part make a huge difference right? Well it did.

Everyone who knows me know I track my car and I drive it hard. I don’t daily it and I don’t baby it. From the moment I did the first lap I noticed a difference in how my rear felt. It felt more secured and gave me more confidence in my car. It Took away the wheel hop and gave me more grip because the rear end was more planted. I drove lap after lap drifting the hell out of my car and it just felt so right.

I fully endorse this product and it may seem like a minor upgrade, but it is truly a big upgrade. The product looks awesome and is strong. You will not be disappointed.

Thanks John for coming out with this innovative product.

Everyone who cares about form over function this is not a part that you will see or can show off to friends for bragging right but it is a part that you know will improve your car’s handing."

these are stupid

just go solid rear bushings

i also dont really get them… but i suppose they could be worth it…

I have them…before installing them, my car could only do 0.76g on the skidpad…after I installed them. My car was able to pull 1.29g on the skidpad.

To be honest bro. That is stupid.
I can see the sense of it strengthening/supporting the sub to the chassis a bit better. Then again, your holding that shit in with a 8mm bolt? wtf!?! Just think about it. If your sub bounces around that much anyways (you got serious problems) this really would not help at all.
To me, this is more of a “balla” product. Cheap or not. Just for looks. Some crack head was smoking his pipe, looking under his car…had a stupid thought and beefed up a pointless support bar from factory.
If this part was so vital. I would think it would break or show major signs of fatigue due to it’s size/thickness. Yet it does not. Spend your money else wheres.

When it comes down to it. If you already have aluminum bushings and you still want more strength. Weld the sub in. Just hope you never gotta take her out again.

Chris, but you gotta realize that in the 240sx “market”, cheap quick fixes are very popular. Especially since someone can now have an “upgrade” on his 240 for $100.

Kinda like how every kid gets an ebay intake + strut bars right away when they first buy their 240. Cheap + “Performance” = Profit

You catch my drift? :wink:

I caught your dift.

At full lock, and then initiated a link with a hydro e brake with a lever that was in the shape of a salmon.

Pacific not Atlantic.

That is exactly it Mark.

Stupid ideas from stupid people, turn into stupid products for people that are even more stupid and buy them.

No Ronnie, not calling you stupid :wink: You brought up something that someone eventually would.

Your just lookin’ out for our fellow SONling’s right? :stuck_out_tongue:

lol DTS.

Chris, I think Ronnie already bought it. :slight_smile:

kansai hks tunnel brace is very useful. i truly recommend it. as well as nismo brace. and nagisa brace. other braces not so much… as i have no tried them :slight_smile:

At that point, you’re better off just getting a roll cage. lol

P.S. Don’t forget that Knee brace too…it will help keep your leg more stable while on the track. :stuck_out_tongue:

i think it would probably work but only if u had mint oe and equivlant bushing, as for solid bushing those are fucked nissan engineered the subframe to have bushing in place for a good reason.

Nissan also engineered 240’s to have the ground clearance of a truck.
And to be powered by a truck motor.
And marketed to secretaries.

I think its possible for the general public to improve on a worn-out rubber bushing. I love having solid bushings… Definitely notice it right away.

Unless you think a stock 240 is the pinnacle of automotive design? I definitely do not.

You have to have the stock subframe brace metal button of sort that the bolt goes through… I have solid subframe bushings and couldn’t install it without it. Just hanging around my home.

Makes a big dif on non solid subframe guys’ cars… and… I have yet to hear of solid subframe guys saying much but apparently it makes some difference in that too. It was like 40 bux i felt like hey let me try it out… price went up though. I had the first prototype batch.

Soilid subframe bushings make alot rougher ride i find…but these are a waste i think.

obviously not but solid bushing are only good for track cars, oe bushing are too soft the best option would be superhard urathane just as good as solid bushing but without the harshness, solid bushing will damage any car

Yes, I bought a product that I made a post about asking for opinions on late last night already.

No, it just seemed like a product worth looking into.

I checked mine out on both cars.

On the vert they are mashed to shit and bent into a U shape.

On the hatch, theyre straight. The hatch has led a pampered lift though.

Thanks for the opinions all! Appreciated and have decided not to bother but will prolly make my own to try out…after all, they are two pieces of machined steel that will probably cost 20 dollars for both at any machine shop.

A couple questions on this product…

For one, those bars it replaces are they ACTUALLY for addition support of the subframe mount points (the threaded rod that the subframe bolts to)? Or are they simply there so that if its bent you know the car has been hit or damaged in someway and the subframe mounts are no longer straight or where they should be?

From my understanding, solid bushings would actually have a GREATER chance of deflecting the sub frame mount points as there is no give between the subframe and the mount as there would be with a poly bushing. So any solid bushing comments really would create more of a deflection problem as opposed to solving it. That is of course if your subframe mounts move around… in which case buy a new chassis. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or I could be out to lunch… anyways… thats my thoughts.

Spoken like a wise man. Try it out. if you have O.E bushings. You may notice a difference. For us balla’s with solid subs, pointless.

lol fine mark u get a roll cage…state the obvious…