RPI auto shop


Since we are sponsored by the students, costs are lower, but our accommodations are much smaller (one lift, no Dyno, etc). Liabilities are HUGE for us, but thankfully RPI’s insurance covers us. We also have a waiver that has to be signed by all working on the cars and we rely on our shop members (who get certified by shop officers) to use any major equipment (lifts, tire mounter, etc) and also oversee the people in the shop.

Back in '00 we got shut down. EPA charged RPI ~$50K in fines and then they had to dig up contaminated dirt and lay down new drains and such on top of that. The upper brass of RPI was not to happy and shut us down. Thankfully GM and some Alumni backed the shop up and we re-opened on '04.

Having a DIY is not easy. We loose/break tools all the time and operating costs are pretty big. Since we’re sponsored by the students we have a couple grand (and then 2 reserve funds) to offset the price we charge, but in the private sector their price is pretty good. I’ve dropped $15K just in refurbishing/updating RPI’s shop in the past 2 years and there’s still more to go.

RPI likes the idea of a DIY shop, but they are definitely watching us. The physical plant next door would love to knock down the wall and use our space. We’ve been ok though since our re opening (knock on wood!!!)

What do you guys charge for the use of the shop/tools?

+1 to RPI, been in there before doing exhaust work on cazwrx’s old WRX and its pretty nice. priced fairly two from what I can remember

Sounds pretty pimp .

Been there before, great little shop!!! If you guys needs to sell any more tools get a hold of me!!!

Hmmm, so apparently the admin didn’t like me posting this on the other thread. Sorry Admin if you thought I was stealing thunder. I was just pointing out the hardships of having a DIY shop and the guys deserve alot of credit of even having one regardless of the price they charge. I have since altered that post to match this thread

Admin can you change the title of the thread to the title of my first post? Current one reads awful

to be clear if you bring your car in. YOU work on it. We do not supply mechanic/labor etc

you just get to use all the tools you’d never buy for a low price.

I’ve been there mad times. It’s an awesome little shop.

Suny albany needs to step it up and get us a shop :lol

Will never happen :lol

judging by the conditions of the class rooms and lecture certains… you are correct