Rubicant, a homophobe?

So are NA eclipses. :wink:

haha gotta love how you singled me out.

don’t take the attention away from yourself now. :gay:

Rob is just pissed because Mitsubishi will always be faster than Subaru so he takes it out on you…

You’re the only one who wants a NA eclipse, I could have used i on Joel but he drives a t-bird, and that woulden’t make much sense.

so lucky i’m not good at making those stupid things. Car forum, yes. But i believe you posted in off-topic.

your such a cocksucker. :slight_smile:

Hahahaha, owned…

Just laugh it off sweetheart, no need to take this shit seriously. I still <3 girls

Besides this forum is moderated by the coolest guy ever who turned me down for gay sex alot i might add…

HAHAHHAHA!! Rob got so pwn3d…

hey im sure youve done it too. seriously though he brought my attention to something on his pants that was a bit humorous


:whogives: pointless thread …

And then I found 2 dollars…


dumb broad.

I’m in this thread for 20 seconds, and I just have to say the following.

wow i didnt know there were so many fags on nyspeed :tdown: to you gays

Ok Supercar boi…

^^^^ pWn3d^^^^^^^^^^^^