rude encounters that piss you off??

I can’t think of a specific rude encounter right off the top of my head, but I have had some strange ones for sure.

When I first got my red Jetta, so this is about 4 years ago, I turn down 155 onto Consaul heading to Stewart’s for a delicious milkshake.
When I pull onto Consaul, I see another Jetta come flying down the road behind me.
The whole time we’re going down Consaul, this guy is UP my butt.
I try the whole tap the brakes, try doing the under the speed limit, this guy just doesn’t want to give up.
I decide I’ve had enough, it’s a beautiful day and all I want is a leisurely drive to get my milkshake, so I turn down Kabalian and figure I’ll just loop around back onto Consaul at Lisha Kill.
THIS DUDE FOLLOWS ME! Now I’m kinda scared. Stallmer didn’t have his Jetta at the time, and I didn’t know anyone with a Jetta.
Now I just start flooring it and head to Stewart’s, this mother fucker pulls in behind me, gets out of his car…
“Hey. Nice car”
(Fuck, I’m getting car jakked.)
“Uhh, thanks?”
“Don’t see many girls driving cars like that…”
(At this point a mother on the bench outside with her two kids is giving me a look that tells me if this kid makes one wrong move her maternal instinct is kicking in and this fucker is dead.)
“Umm, a Jetta?” (Is this guy serious?)
“No, a turbo Jetta Wolfsburg.”
“All MKIV Wolfsburgs are turbo.”
“So, you like VW eh?”
Now the mommy decides to take it upon herself and end this by telling the kid he should have more productive things to do on such a beautiful day than harass girls trying to get ice cream. He sulks away and gets into his car, I get my ice cream, tell the mommy thank you. Happy ending.

Yeah, I hear you. Those guys that care more about how you drive your own car then you do really get annoying at times…

i would of went over to the mommy and sat down and asked her if should like to share her ice cream with me…:rofl

She was not a hot mommy. :lol

A few weeks back while parked in the fire lane in Watervliet a comrade of mine was returning a redbox flick and some kid rolled up in his V6 mustang and asked me what year Celica I had. I told him a 93.

Shout out to Watervliets finest for not citing big homey.

Well I mean, they are two separate cars now, but tehnically at one time he would not have been wrong? :tongue

[QUOTE=SSmokinn SS;334158]How many have had rude encounters with people you dont know about your car or “cars” that piss you off??

He then continues to tell me he works for some dirt car racing team for Albany saratoga speedway building motors and shit and how he had a Cam only 92 Fox body 302 running 11.7’s on street tires and that 20B motors with GT45r turbos and 2jz’s and RB26’s are the best motor’s in the world…

thats what i was joking about with my favorite 79 mustang for him saying the irocz looks better than a ls1 body style

Duuuudeeeee, you had to have been on Route 9 right??
Like Pete said, this idiot was riding his bike and RANNN over to my car as I was leaving Hess on Route 9 by like Precision Audio and was asking about the car and what not. Then proceeded to tell me about his buddy’s triple turboed RX-7, he would “Quad” turbo it but doesn’t want the apex seals to break. Yeahhhh OK buddy :rofl Then proceeded to tell me about Ray’s car, and just had all wrong facts, and then said his buddy’s RX-7 is the fastest thing on the street right now.

Pete, as always, was fucking with him telling him he had a Cartek built LS6 Camaro SS :rofl
Kid was suchhhh a tool. I also saw him at a Precision Audio meet last summer, again riding his bike, and asking about my Trans Am and trying to top everything I said with one of “his buddy’s rides”:retardclap:Idiots

Funny you also had an encounter with him.

I have 5 turbos in my FD and my apex seals havent broken yet…

Kid obviously has no idea wtf hes talking about

The other day I had a customer stop by. So I carry his 30 year old computer out to his car for his old ass since it weighed 200 pounds. He looks over at the vette and my business partners VR4:
“That your’s?”
Sure is. How do you like the Prius?
“I love it, I get 50 MPG highway right now and I travel a lot. So it works. I used to have a mustang until I decided I needed something more reliable.”
Yea, my dad has a Prius he loves it.
“Nice, how do you like the vette?”
I love it, gets me around, and i’ve always wanted one.
“Yea, I used to own a Mustang but imports are so much more reliable I had to change. Who’s 3000GT?”
My business partner.
“I have always wanted one of those. If I had to choose between yours and his I would hands down go with the VR4. They are so neat. Not to mention Mitsubishi is very reliable.”

  • At his point im already dying inside. If he had any clue what he was talking about he would realize the VR4 is slang for money pit. So he continues on:

“I just don’t know how you guys can drive those premium fuel cars in todays economy the way gas prices are.”

Well, actually, I currently get 24 City/31 Highway with the vette. It really isn’t that bad.

“Wow”. (blank stare and a moment of silence)

" I never got that with the mustang and that was a V8, I can’t beleive you get that good of gas mileage."

Well, my dad also has a vette. The newer style C6. It gets even better MPG.

“Wow, I just can’t believe it.”

Blah blah blah, he gets back in the car and leaves after a few more minutes of conversing.

But I just love it when people who drive Prius’s get knocked off of their high horse that the got on with the help of mis information.

Fuck hybrids.

And yes, it’s amazing how acceptable the MPG is for an LS1.

haha +1

Actually, there is an even better one.

I walk across the street from my office to get a slice at Giavano’s when I see a newer style WRX pull up. It is this kid Ray that I used to know. He used to drive a “pimped” Kia Sephia. So the convorsation is as follows:

Ray: “Hey man, how have you been?”

Im good, just grabbing some lunch. New car?

“Yea I saw you over walking over here so I figured I would stop you and you show you the new whip”

I like it. My business partner Frank has one just like it.

“What year is it?”


“Oh no man. The 2009 is a totally different machine. Totally different.”

Are you sure? I’m pretty sure they are almost identical.

“No dude, they are totally different.”


“Well ill talk to you later man. Im out.”

  • he proceeds to try to show off by going as fast as he can in the parking lot before slamming on his brakes to merge into traffic. Whats funny about this is that the difference between the 2008-9 WRX is 1 HP. 1HP. Apparantly that makes it a totally different monster.

yah…it was the same exact hess as you!

kid was with his dad driving a blue 4 door Blazer/

LOL funny shit.

yah well put a fat cam in it and it all goes down hill as far as gas goes.

I thought you had a celica too, is that not what that black car is??

i get this all the time

“is it real”
“is it supercharged”
“can you do a burnout”

in the jetta

“whats wrong with your tires”
“does it have a blow off valve”

My car:

“Is that a GT?”
“Hey Adam hows the car?”-(WHen i have NO clue who it is:lol)
“You have NOS on that right?”
Etc etc

i just might have to call BS on the 24mpg city. just a maybe though.