Running from cops?

Lots of times, every single one of them was/is stupid.

Had cops from 2 counties and and locals with me at a stop before, had state and county police, been banned from parts of Montana, ran in a Honda Odyssey etc etc.

If you are looking for a partner to do the AKA rally this year let me know.

once i have in my 91 jetta, i hid out at woody’s garage for a few hours lol

ive ran 4-5 times on the bike, fucking idiot i was… One of them was very interesting, WS and sheriffs were involved, that’s all im going to say about that…

This is all 2+ years ago, i like to think i’ve smartened up a bit since then


last time i ran i know i was in for a world of shit

all i did was drop off my sisters friend at her own house … was just doing a favor … but the house in question was -and still is- a place that that towns cops spend waaaaay to much time at

cop saw em leave the driveway and instantly started coming after my ass with a hard on

i got lucky, the cop got tied up in traffic behind me and lost sight of me, so i bailed, ran for the edge of town. i knew EXACTLY the kind of shit this town pulled on people leaving this house and i wasnt gonna have it, i dont need thousands of dollars in legal bills just for dropping someone off someplace.

i made it over the border in the nick of time, and since then that police department has decided to start ignoring city limits, they will go at least a mile into other towns to pull people over for traffic infractions

running is stupid, yes, but in this case i know it was the lesser of 2 evils

Stop hanging out with dumb “nothing but trouble” bitches.
Most of them don’t deserve you being nice to them.

i just got asked to drive her home. :shrug:

and in this case i would like to edit:

Most of them don’t deserve you being nice to them.

to read:

Most of them don’t deserve any less then 10 cunt punches in a row

I have a permanent codriver and was asked to codrive an M5 this year (which I turned down). :wink: But thanks for the offer, you should find someone and come :slight_smile:

I’ve ducked out on cops a few times, but that isnt really running. Diving off onramps, hitting parkinglots, taking all the cutts in a city to lose thier trail before the lights come on.

If the cop is close enough to want to flip his lights, he can probably read the plate.
I just pull over and do my best to get out of it.
I try not to break trafics laws tho. I plan on getting an international A license sometime.

i wasnt trying to make it sound all sweet “OMG I RAN FROM THE COPS” at all. if i really wanted to make it sound sweet i could have included that it was at night and i mistook a set of crown vic headlights for fox body mustang headlights and as i went under and overpass i hit the gas a little bit to see f i could get said car to do anything, but then it got closer and i realized it was a cop. but thats irrelevant.

4 times got away
caught once…as most people who went to the bubble tea meet that night know, lol.

i have been in cars running from the cops

nooo, im way past that…if you would like to tell the story, be my guest, you were riding shotgun.

i <3 this story :poke:

Please tell story?