Rutgers tonite??

Anybody else watch the Rutgers vs Lville game? WOW is all I got to say, thats impressive hats off to Rutgers.

I didn’t think it was going to be that close…excellent game to watch

hell yea go rutgers

it was such a great game i didnt want it to end

i’m worried about the pitt vs Lville game comming up. I love the panthers but i think lville is just too good.

u think lville is to good?? :hsugh: i love pitt to but lville is goign to win

both of those teams are great, and along with WVU they are really showin that the big east is a really good football conference. if pitt would stop having bad losses to joke teams they could be right up there too. this is all just good for pitt

Definitely an entertaining game to watch. I’m curious to see how the big three teams in the Big East (Lville, WVU, Rutgers) will do in the bowl games as aside from playing each other they’ve pretty much played a bunch of teams that Rutgers could have beaten in years past.