Ruutu bites Andrew Peters in 1/7 Senators/Sabres game

This really needs it’s own thread. I think the only thing stranger than this is some of the sites that are carrying the news.

I didn’t even know Forbes had a sports section.

And for those that missed it:


i was really hoping someone would take his head off

fn scumbag he is. was shocked when i saw that

Ruutu bites peters.:gay3:


And the fine is???

someone make the pic

just watched that interview with ruutu. what a piece of shit he is.

seriosuly “his finger was in my mouth but i didn’t bite him” fuckin trash.

man i cant wait till we play them again in feb. i got tickets to that and it seems like all the times we play them shit happens! cant wait

Quoted from WGR:550 this morning

“That is like saying I broke into the bank vault but didn’t take the money”

damn, missed that game. lol is he taking lessons from holyfield?

nhl will have to do something if it becomes very widespread. they wont be able to hide this.

already on main page of the nhl section on

It’s EVERYWHERE. Check out this google news search for “ruutu”

lol i looked for the picture on google but couldnt find it to make a motivational with that on it like the cake one.

I’m guessing a one game suspension.

Taken from TSN:

Sources tell TSN the National Hockey League is expected to schedule a hearing today to determine discipline for Ottawa Senators forward Jarkko Ruutu following a biting incident Tuesday night in Buffalo.

Although the video evidence appears to conclusively show Ruutu bit the gloved thumb of Sabres tough guy Andrew Peters, after the Sens 4-2 loss Ruutu denied that to be the case.

“Nothing happened there,” Ruutu said after the game. “His fingers were by my mouth but I didn’t bite him.”

The altercation took place in the first period after Peters started an exchange with Ruutu by rubbing his glove into Ruutu’s face.

“It’s a pretty goofy thing that happened,” Peters said. “It’s not the injury, it’s the incident. Just the fact that happened it’s unfortunate. It’s not good for the game of hockey.”

The logistics as to what time the hearing will take place, or where are still being worked out.

:lol::lol: god that got me good.

I just watched the vid… fucking ridic


Fuck Peters anyways. The guy is useless.

Should have bit his dick off. Scratch that. Ruutu might have gotten syphilis like the two beat looking 17 year old girls from Nichols that Peter’s slept with.

Much hate.