I live in Youngwood, during my “youth” my name and driving habits were actually brought up during a council meeting as a reason to bring the cops back.
Don’t mistake me, it’s bad that it happened and I’m glad no one was hurt. But being a resident of Youngwood, let me offer some “investigative” (humorous) crime fighting:
One theory: a borough council member, mayor or the solicitor are behind it to drum up support for the new YABA! (Youngwood area business association) Getting Youngwood in the headlines . . . small town politics goes criminal.:doh:
Second theory: After the crime, witnesses heard a loud whooshing noise followed by a conspicuous vapor trail leaving the crime scene. . . I heard that Hybrid guy Eric has been renting Ocean 11, 12 and 13 alot lately. Maybe he’s prepping for a Vegas run! :eek2: