looking for a front rad support froma s13, preferably somthin from a jdm half clip. 647 629 4211 brendon thx
I tried to find one too, I just ended up fabbing and welding in my own.
Shit eh. Id love to get a rust free one to weld in. So it has all original bolt holes. What did it cost for you to do? If you did it your self are you interested in doing one for me? You would get paid of cource.
I did it for like $5, I had the steel sitting around my ship, all i had to do was buy bolts, washers and nuts. Ill have to do some more fabbing when I go to set a rad in. but its got me started. But the thing is, if the cars got a rust free rad support, the rest of the car is in good shape and probably still on the road. unless it was in an accident.
looks good. let me kno if your up for a job to do mine.