new 240sx owner with big problem!

Hi everyone, a big thanks to everyone on this forum, as I just found it today (wish i found it a bit sooner), but all the faq’s and stuff are quite helpfull for a newbie as myself.

I just recently bought a 1990 fastback, in absolutely beautiful condition inside and out, but overlooked a big part in the front. I went to get the car certified, and the front rad support frame piece is almost totally rotted away! Ouch! So of course the mechanic said the car was worth 5 bucks, and laughed on what I paid for it. Hee Hee, funny…but not so funny for me, obviously. I did pay 2000 for this car, and its uncertifiable.

The mechanic at the shop thinks the car is junk, but i’m sure myself…(i hope) that a front rad support piece can be sourced and hopefully welded on?

I’m unsure on the structure of the s13, and not sure if it is worth fixing or not. The rest of the car is solid besides this front “rad support” frame piece and would hate to have to scrap this car.

Does anyone know where I can go to get this fixed without being shafted?
or what this kind of repair entails? I hope its not as bad as the mechanic thinks it is. Well all I can do is pray for now, and hope I can be driving a 240sx shortly!

Any help will be absolutely and greatly appreciated!

(I feel so darn stupid!!!)

Thanks everyone!

Find a new rad support off a parts car.
Have it welded in.
Probably cost you maybe $100 if you cut the supports out yourself.

Yup thats about all you can do really, might I ask what colour the car is?

again with the wrong forum area.

plase post your into in the new member thread and then repost your question in the tech forum


Moved to technical section.

i have a solution. Kill yourself.

^^^ What the???

i’m just showing my sensitive side.