Hey all,
I just got a CAI off E-Bay (good enough for now), and i was wondering something…
There aren’t instructions but that isn’t an issue…
I have two questions (pics I found on the net will help me discribe).
There is a rubber tube that connects from the bottom of the plastic intake into a box of some sort, what is it? what does it do? see pic below

Here is a pic of the same car with the CAI installed and the tube just open

If anyone knows please tell me… Thanks
Intake Resonator…
Remove it and throw it in the trash ASAP.
Another resonator??
I thought it only had the 1 under the air filter box in the fender
Thanks Shift!!
Poor 240sx… imagine talking with your mouth closed… and no matter how loud you yelled no one could here you… I shall save my car!!!
Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.
Thanks guys… I had the same problem when I was trying to install my intake. Been wanting to ask the same thing.
If you don’t throw it out now it couild cause your car to blow up
^^^ Really?? Does that shit have yellow cake in it?? is it made with alluminum tubes??
Those who have seen Black Bush on Chappelle show will understand

I pulled apart my intake to clean my throttlebody today, and I noticed 4 things going into it. Which ones are actually necessary and benefit the car, and which ones are just emissions crap that may hurt performance?
So far the only one I’m semi-sure on is #4, and I’ve plugged that one up. I don’t have a pic of my car since I don’t have my camera with me, but this one has the same plugs. Mine is merely the stock plastic pipe with the same kinda cone filter setup.
for number 4, if your worried about it, theres actually some air going into that small black box where it leads, i thought it was useless but i think it does something, take the hose off the small box and go to first markham place, into a store called Kiz Motorsports, there you can get a small baby cone breather for 10 bucks, brand new, and stick it onto that box, the one with the black sleeve (bigger one) fits right on, dont buy the breather with the red sleeve but with the black sleeve, it should fit right on, than when your done put your hand around it and you’ll feel alot of air going in there actually
What about 1, 2 and 3? I’m not too worried about the breather, the power gains from having it, as opposed to having it plugged up are negligible. The only reason I disconnected that is b/c I heard that exhaust gases enter your intake through there.
1, 2 ,3 if u unhook one of those, not sure which one, your car will stall out when its idling, just an experience i had when i forgot to put em on