s14 ka overheating

ok i no its common, and too start i will be replacing the thermastat tomorrow. the car has sat for 2 years.
ok auto ka24de, only when cold, i will start the car and drive it and it will raise all the way up, but i can shut the car off twice and feather the gas and it moves down to half fast. now i have a huge feeling its my therm, but I also do not have hot air blowing. maybe waterpump?

water pump. for sure. if its your thermostat then the rad hose by your motor will get hot but the rad side of the hose will be much cooler depending on how long the car is running for. crank the heat on and jack the front end up. run it for a bit keep feeling the hose so that the whole hose is warm or hot. if it gets hot all through and you feel coolant moving through then your thermostat is shot. but all this could be a waste of time if your water pump is shot. hope this helps

I had an overheating issue with mine, tested my thermostat by throwing it in some hot water opened and closed fine.
Rad was good, ended up being my water pump as the upper rad hose was dry as a bone. My solution was to buy a new motor.