S1DC @ Dunnville 11-11

Here are some pics shot by myself and my buddy Ryan. I was driving the white 350z when it was sliding, (not when it was doing grip). Nice meeting some of you. If you were there PM me and I’ll get you more photos that arent as “nice” if I have them after work tomorrow. Next time I promise more pics (and Josh got some sick video).



rad pics man, have any more of me? white hatch with flag?

Jesse I’ll take a look in the morning (need sleep, I was there at 8am!), I have a bunch that arent “sharp” due to camera settings. Next time you guys run even if I cant join you in a run group I’ll come shoot for you provided I’m off of work. Keep in touch.

who is the guy that bought the white and red 240sx from war on wheels?

andrew comrie-picard. He hosted the show.

no pics of the black hatch?? lol

Andrew Comrie-Picard, one of Canada’s best rally car drivers and a memeber of S1DC

OP your white Z is freaking sick, barely see any white Zs around.
S1DC you guys are amazing at what you do.

next year is gonna be huge for S1DC, and possibly even for drifters and the drift scene in Ontario. Basically, and without giving to much away, its time to go to school.

I’m trying to sort through the last of the pics, a ton of them were blurry due to incorrect camera settings (I wasnt shooting, my buddy Ryan was and by his own self admission, he’s still learning). Will have more after work posted (though some will be blurry)

Oddly, the Z isnt mine, just driving it. Big thanks to the owner for letting me use it :slight_smile:

Yeah those NY cars are dirty fast. The Z and the Impreza were friggin rockets. Gonna have to step it up next year to run with those things or be pwned. In my defence they are totally stripped and gutted with cages and stupid horsepower…so I dunno if a full weight street GTR can hang but we’ll see ;-p

S1DC crew was killin it I was riding with Jesse when he busted stupid manji gravel to gravel.

I have lots of pics too.

Sadly none of the 4 of us tearing it up in the stock 335xi LOL

haha awesome guys

i happened to be driving home from niagara falls sometime around 12 noon on sunday and jesse passed my girlfriend and I on the highway and got off at christie … figured he was going to see theo but didn’t expect anything like this was going down :slight_smile:

looks like fun… more pics and vids!

lookd like a good time.

where are the pics of me…boooo

damn, looks like it was a fun day. More pics please… videos too?

videos will be released on the forth coming Onyx DVD

Someone looks lost :rofl:


nah we were playing chicken.

luckily Theo and ACP missed.

However, when it was my turn, i won. The deer lost.

ACP? Seriously? Wow…You guys kick some serious ass