Sabres Party in the Plaza going booze free

lol how are they gonna make that a “family event” and kill alcohol

when inside the arena sells alcohol. what kind of event is that?

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:29,topic:28224"”]

anyone going down tonight???


Jeff if you want to go tonight Ill go

this is a rather stupid concept that might hurt profits, sure why not

news just showed hardly any people down there

that is dumbest move they could ever make. buffalo = city of alcoholics. bars are some of the only businesses that thrive here. if people can’t drink at the so-called “party” in the plaza, they will go drink at a bar.

edit: and what kind of parents would bring their kids to this? when you can’t even bring chairs. you’re gonna just stand around with your kids until 10 or 11 at night in front of the arena?

yeah it looked pretty dead

Now I have to find a new way to kill time in between work and the game :frowning:

It was dead today


Now I have to find a new way to kill time in between work and the game :frowning:

It was dead today


you could walk to will call and leave me tickets



shutup, u don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, since you just sit your fat ass at the bar for every game. learn how to man up and support your team.


Right…and you drive an Fbod and I am fat.

Man up and support my team = yelling obscenities at a big screen outside and being drunk and belligerent :bloated: :roll2: :2fingers: :roll2: :2fingers: :roll2: :headbang: :cjerk: :bloated: :bloated: :2fingers: :roll2: :2fingers: :2fingers: :headbang: :cjerk: :roll2: :2fingers: :bloated: :2fingers:

buffalo=drinking town with a football problem.

The plaza just doesn’t seem like a good “family” event. Bring your kids to stand outside for a game, standing 4 feet tall not being about to see anything but crotch?

Take them to Dunn Tire park when they play the games on the big screen there if you want a cheap, more family oriented outdoor viewing of the game.

To me this is just more of Buffalo doing anything they can to screw up something that is bringing lots of people downtown to spend money.

so was anybody there tonight that can verify this crappy crappy rule?

hey if anyone is going down there friday then i will bring hotdogs just tell me where to bring them to!

How bout this i have some left over hot dogs from the other night. Sooo if anyone is going down to party in the plaza come over to my place bofore hand have some dogs and a bewski then we can take the train down there. PM me and let me know.

^ Is that Screech from saved by the bell in your sig?

no really if you are going to go and want hotdogs and have a loud sometimes boystrist person when he in not durnk, i don’t drink so if dd is need, there would be a slight fee, shouting and screaming next to you the pm me. otherwise ill just got to dave and busters and piss off the little kids there. hahahahahahahaha


so was anybody there tonight that can verify this crappy crappy rule?


me and badazzss were walking around double fisting bottles of blue with no harassment :gotme:


no really if you are going to go and want hotdogs and have a loud sometimes boystrist person when he in not durnk, i don’t drink so if dd is need, there would be a slight fee, shouting and screaming next to you the pm me. otherwise ill just got to dave and busters and piss off the little kids there. hahahahahahahaha


what the fuck?

was that even English??

the crowd infront was definently lacking. I’m sure its because of the lack of alcohol, but the cold weather didn’t help either.

the weather honestly wasnt that bad down there, no rain, no wind… the crowd sucked, no one was having fun.

horrible idea to make it alcohol free.