Sad day... unions killed the Twinkie

It doesn’t make me mad lol

Get money

Just realize in a global economy GM can’t support that model forever

Don’t worry the tax payer will be forced to.

I didn’t take the TT, I sat home on my balls and watched an American Dad Marathon

I was so looking to have friday off too but the faster i can make it the faster i can get out of here. I have 12 or 13 yrs in here and cant imagine doing this for another 18 or so. Im working with guy today with a 59 seniority!!! Still working 6+ days a week after 53 yrs. Kind of sad but who am i to judge.
Again ill be the first to say im overpaid unlike some ppl in here that think GM owes them the world, but ill take it while i can and invest it so i can leave when i choose.

Has Hostess had any new product line in the past 50 years?

i hate to sound like such a capitalist but it’s nice to see the market holding people accountable… let’s also bear in mind that the non-unionized management of hostess will also be out of work and will have a similarly challenging time trying to find work elsewhere.

it’s also safe to assume that there is an element of media bias here as well. I would bet that management has been dangling dissolution of the company as a counter-leverage piece for a while and this is just the public part of the stand off. If i were a union head i would push it this far too as an FUUU to management to force them through the bankruptcy.

In any event, an equity group will come along and strip down the assets and Hostess will re-emerge as a leaner machine with better union contracts and fewer pension obligations just like GM and Chrysler did. Albeit on a smaller scale of course. $10 says it’s Bain Capital :slight_smile:

The labourers that deserve their old jobs back will get them back at a 30% discount in compensation. the people that sucked will be forced into an early retirement of complaining about how they deserve XY and Z because of how much they dont think they suck

Soooooo they were upset that they weren’t making enough money, so now that they closed, these people who weren’t making any money are now making $0. BRILLIANT!

Pretty sure there is more to the story than the news portrays.

i think part of the equation was that many figured they would make more on unemployment for 90 weeks than they would working under the new contract…

What about after that? Since there aren’t too many jobs right now demanding people and willing to pay them $20 p/ hr…

I love it when people talk about “forced to work”. There aren’t chains at your feet and whips on you back, you have your freedom. If you don’t like the hours they ask you to work, go find another job.


I had a couple verizon landline guys handing out anti verizon wireless flyers in front of my store about 6 months ago cause we werent union. I laughed at them.

I bet a lot of very obese people will be crying themselves to sleep for a while.

Legos are completely manufactured and packaged by machines, why can’t Twinkies? THAT would be the biggest wake up call to union workers.

Manufacturing is a delicate balance between technology and labor. As tech costs come down and labor costs go up people lose jobs. I feel the automakers only have so many employees because they are also a big part of their customer base. Hostess doesn’t need their employee customers.

Twinkies are still gross.

What good has the Buffalo teachers union done?

Worst schools in the country?

Insane amount of benefits for teachers?

Made it hard to remove bad teachers?

I have family members who are non union teachers who stay and do work on their free time I don’t get how this is relevant.

Most electricians who travel get compensated very well for being away and working long hours regardless or union or non union.

I have experience with a few different unions, there are far more bad apples than good in my experiences. The entitlement I see daily blows me away. What good stories can you provide, of unions working to enhance productivity? Not being a dick…I’m being serious.

How about our military spending? We’re hemorrhaging and spread too thin…140 foreign military bases or what not. I’m not a fan of handouts at all…but at least that money cycles in OUR economy.

People need to produce fundamental value or it seems their days are numbered in this economy.

Gotta get it while the gettin is good, it surely won’t be good forever. :wink:

drove by the local day old hostess store this afternoon and the place was swamped…i typically only ever see 1 or 2 cars there on any given day…today there were probably 30. some of this could of course be pre-thanksgiving bread crumb traffic as it is also a wonder discounter…but later at the grocery store there were almost no hostess products left on the shelves…gotta be hoarders

Gotta love that “private equity” game.