Sad sad boy

Ok one of my friends just bought an old lebaron convertable. recentlly he has invested some money(ALOT) in to 19’’ rims for it. the car looks like shit but the rims are amazing. What do i Say??

You say nothing. You take pictures. We laugh.

i was drivin into school and i almost hit a bus cuz it was soo funny.

Dear skylinez07,

Please stop making new threads.



Take pics of him posing with them so that the photochoppers can have a field day. :tup:

is it a GTC atleast?

You forgot who signed it.

haha, you used the words ‘invested’ and ‘lebaron’ in the same post

I call them poppy tops.

Levaron Poppy TOPAS!



:word: I wanna see this hotness.

BlingBaron > ?

Hmmm, I would never try and pose myself as a deity, the consequences would just be too scary.