Safety and Emmissions

Hi im looking for any help to pass safety and emmisions with a 240sx, sr20det, no cat, fully gutted with no rear seats will not pass under normal circumstances. I dont know if this is the correct section or if it has been covered but any help would be greatly appreciated. If anyone knows anybody who can help me out on this please give me a call at 416 225 7344, or simply pm, thanks in advance.

put a cat on and put your interior back in, if your cars decently maintained that should be all it takes.

I cant put the interior all back in id like to avoid that also i dont have windshield wiper fluid resevoir or the lines for it, however it might pass emmisions i just need a “saftey”.

i bet its a cop lol


Im not a cop i just want my damn car on the road i can only get a 10 day permit, if your not going to help dont bother posting worse yet your convincing people to not help me out.
Ps i didnt think this was going to work anyway.

He’s not a cop…I know him. He’s looking for exactly what he’s asking for. And besides if anyone was trying to catch some one doing this, it wouldn’t be a cop. It would be mto…

pm sent

Still looking for emissions papers hopefully under $200.

you can get fake emissions for $250 if you don’t feel like changing anything. as for safety, i don’t see you passing with a gutted interior, they may / may not not notice windshield washer fluid. if you don’t feel like fixing that either then look into fake safety, i donno.

You should pass under hotrod status.

I dont need safety anymore i did however take it for emissions and failed miserably crappy tire would not do the hot rod thing because its not rhd even though it has an sr.

did you put a cat in for the etest?

E tests are generally pretty easy to pass. If you have a working cat, put in some cheap gas, and some methyl hydrate, and run it good and hot just before the test.
I have an old jeep with 590.000 kms on it, just passed with flying colours…not even CLOSE to the limits…