Saltwater aquariums

I am very close to pulling the trigger on a 90 gallon reef setup w/ a 40 gallon sump. Anybody on here have any tanks? I currently have a 55 gallon freshwater, but I really want to take the plunge into saltwater.

I’ve had a 20 gallon nano-reef for a few years. I don’t have an in-home RO system so it’s a PITA buying water twice a week to top off the evaporative loss. I’m sick of it. I think I’m going to sell it soon. You’ll need your own RO filtration for a setup like that.

It’s a really cool hobby though if you have the time to care for it. Neat to see what you find living in your tank that just hitched a ride in on live rock or something.

I spoke to a guy yesterday at the new fish store in EA and he said that he just uses tap water w/ dechlorinator in his 125 gallon in store tank. I’m still trying to figure out how he does. Do you use a top on your tank?

They’re cool to look at, but require more care than I care to provide to a living organism at this point.

This is current freshwater setup. Just added 4 angelfish and a large sword plant that totally kicks ass. I’m bored with the freshwater though and I’m going to switch real soon.

This. I gave my last fish away because I had him long enough that I would have felt bad just flushing him but got tired of waiting for him to die so I could take down the tank. Freek actually ended up taking him after I posted this. :slight_smile:

You got the freshwater down! Upgrade to saltwater. Only downside is unlike Zebra Danios and Neon Tetras, real fish are like 50$ a piece =p

i got sick of the community tanks…went to african cichlids. of course the more aggressive variants of the africans…had live plants as well…eventually got bored and sick of fish killing each other that otherwise were fine together for a year, even with regular tank re arranging.

i want to do saltwater but its $$$$. my uncle has a 125gallon and a 150gallon in his basement…awesome stuff. needs way more commitment compared to freshwater.

i say get yourself an arowana and a catfish for your tank…feed em rosie red’s. you wont have to worry about the arowana biting you until its around 8-10" long, they can make you bleed then.


I know, I was confused myself.

I just ordered this:

I should have it by the weekend and can get my tank going. I have been in contact with a few guys who said they might foster the coral and fish that are coming with the setup I am looking to buy.

I sold all my tanks but one with one Wolf fish (chomper).

Once you get the system up and running and the live rock and sand in won’t it still be a month before the nitrites/nitrates etc come down so you can start adding animals? That’s how it is with nano-reefs. Not sure if it works any differently with full reef tanks with protein skimmers and iodine dosers and all that crap.

Yes, that is why I am trying to find someone to foster them for me. There is no way I can bring all the water with me from Rochester to Buffalo, so I will have to start from scratch. If I could buy just the equipment, I would, but he is selling the live rock, coral and fish as a package with it.

5 gallon buckets from Home Depot/Lowes and a few rubbermaid containers. It’ll take a few trips, but it should work fine.

I would need about 20 5 gallon buckets to get all the water and live rocks back. Maybe less if I am putting the fish in bags.

make sure you have a good backup power plan in place if your area is known for brown outs or outages.

There is two new places by the airport and check them out just had a relative start a 55 gallon tank… I have freshwater also… 5 separate tanks it would be nice to upgrade but waiting to see how their tank works out before I spend the cash.