i AM on aim u girraffe …but its not sending messages LOL my connection sucks here
i want to, vlad did the censoring thing… so i dont want to go and undo it as i might be stepping on his toes doing so… i’ll mention it to him and see if we can budge that, its VERY silly… as its the ONLY thing censored…
i think he posts like a tard because hes not in our generation i think, i dont know him in person… but i know alot of older people who are really chill in person, but when they get online and post shit they look like fucking retards…
so give the guy a break and understand he might not be a big pc user kinda guy and doesnt know how to act right on the net yet…
infact i think u found me on a w body forum when i was very new to pcs and the internet all together and made fun of how i posted cuz i looked like a retard… and knowing you… the guy who saves ALL the beef for when the time is right, you prolly have it bookmarked somewhere