Sam's Birthday?

:rofl so tru


:rofl ya u are HIGHLY

athony said some stupid ass shit in this thread, but u guys should relax… u pretty much provoked him to act like an idiot, if u didnt say nothin then he wouldnt of done any of that…im sure hes a chill dude when it comes down to it

Anthony, for shits and giggles, how old are you?

Older than you can afford, pal.



and btw dude anthony that whole knockin teeth out thing, thats a personal threat and u cant do that on shift, so i would say sorry, im too lazy to moderate it out of all the posts and quotes

if u get frustrated with these 17 yr olds then the best thing is to walk away fora bit cuz when u get into personal threats then this shit gets way ridiculous

I’m 22 I don’t know what you’re talking about.

yeah I got carried away my bad…thats why I walked away from this thread

22 in girrafe years maybe

^ see

u all get carried away, including the “k20 and company” crew

im sure if u all met up in person u wouldnt be talking half the shit u do on the forums… just chill out !!

leave him alone he obv wasnt trying to start another racehatch fail war and the personal threat was a mistake… let it go and grow up a bit with it vanilla faces


Stealing from my fb status i see? bish.

And you know me well enough that I would say 99% of the things I say here in person…I would be ZERO percent serious just like I am on here but still I’d say them :lol

Yeah, same here. I’d say everything I say on here. Serious or not.

not from ur FB status, but u said it in another post a few days ago that made me remember about borat and it got stuck in my head and i’ve been going around calling white people vanilla faces…:rofl

ya but serious or not u guys get other people, esp n00bs, all riled up and provoke them into saying some BS and present themselves in a way they never wanted to taken… they think your serious when u fools act like that… ya he was outta line but u know hes a shift n00b cut the ***** some slack

:lmao :lmao i saw it on TV at H2O and i’ve been saying it a shit load lately too

and get on AIM you slug

Can you make it so the words n i g and n i g g a and n i g g e r and n i g n o g aren’t starred out? That’s so gay lol.

But yeah, nah, that dude needs to not be such a tard when posting.


i AM on aim u girraffe …but its not sending messages LOL my connection sucks here

i want to, vlad did the censoring thing… so i dont want to go and undo it as i might be stepping on his toes doing so… i’ll mention it to him and see if we can budge that, its VERY silly… as its the ONLY thing censored…

i think he posts like a tard because hes not in our generation i think, i dont know him in person… but i know alot of older people who are really chill in person, but when they get online and post shit they look like fucking retards…

so give the guy a break and understand he might not be a big pc user kinda guy and doesnt know how to act right on the net yet…

infact i think u found me on a w body forum when i was very new to pcs and the internet all together and made fun of how i posted cuz i looked like a retard… and knowing you… the guy who saves ALL the beef for when the time is right, you prolly have it bookmarked somewhere

yeah take that “Jammer” guy for example :gay

hes an exception, hes not normal so u cant use jammer here…

Word, the censoring is dumb as fuck.

and I don’t think that was me that found you on a W-body forum :lmao

sure was u made fun of my green avatar !

LOL def wasn’t me