Sam's Birthday?

oh boy some gheyness arises on Shift woohoo

its been here for a while



Pwnt x2

you want to bring my girlfriend into this? you wanna get fucking personal? and the fucking point is we made a fucking deal i dont give a fuck if u got the best shit in the world to fucking worry about. that isnt the fucking point. u finish it or u can come rip out ur cob job ass fucking wireing out and pay me the rest of the fucking money you owe me.:thumbup


…yay way to ruin a birthday thread

yay way to get in the middle of shit that dont involve you :thumbup

It was doomed from the start just like every other topic on this forum

well jackass had to bring me into this topic so i figured this would be a good place to continue previous arguments that were never solved



buddy. :Idiots fuckin throw in this comment was u gettin in the middle. u should just have just stayed out of it.

kick his ass dietzbass

Dude that was the polite way of telling you to take this drama to another thread and its not like you didnt get the clue… I was being nice started a thread to wish a member a happy birthday and to drama yay for you

to late now. like i said he started the shit here first.

lol @ hypocrisy

Oh stop Kramer I dont start anything on any threads I just randomly switch topics no different than anyone else on here… and s10v8 my comment was meant for the whole situation not you in particular

Randomly switching topics is exactly what they did