sand castle

Fucking sick.



probably one of your better posts pjb

amazing!.. but why?

krammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmer where ya been kid ,how is moms vag ?

she said she hooked up with you but the vag feels just fine caus your pecker is microscopic. the smallest she’s ever seen out of 300-350 dudes. (she lost track in '61)


im not that small she is just a whore look at you ,you came out of that hole and wrecked the shit with your big ass head and all fuckin giraffe lookin freak :lol

nah it was wrecked like 25 years before i popped out

probably for a fair or expo or something of that nature. Ive seen a few big sand castles at fairs before.

The NY State fair has a big butter sculpture every year in the dairy building.

thats HUUUGEEE though. still cool.