Saratoga Best Buy-5/12

cars under 10k?

There was some old dude that rolled through in a GTR as well. Looked like he got lost on his way to the golf course.

Solid turnout at least. Still quite a few there at 1045 when i arrived

I rolled out around 9:45. I had to do a housecall for my PC repair biz. Decided that going to bed wasn’t an option, so here I am still awake at work until 1pm LOL.

Showed up at like 9 walked around once and left.

didnt show up. didnt meet anybody. maybe next week ill cruz thru. ill have a suprise

You need to hang with me and AVB one of these nights.

Why didn’t you tell him?

Wasnt there. Heard he ran his mouth about me all night. Kids a clown and acts like hes a big shot.

Was gonna go as I needed to get out once I was home from hospital but got told Noone decent was there .

I went by and didn’t talk to and actually really meet anybody. There seemed to be a fair number of tools so I pretty much just hung out with my friends Nick and Brice and talked to Yota. I had to leave around 10:00 to be up at 4:30 this morning for work. I should be able to hang out later next week.

So you weren’t there, but heard he talked shit about you…so you come on here where he isn’t and talk shit about him. Good stuff.

Had two people text me and tell me. I posted same thing on nisky lot and the other lot page also. Something wrong with all that? Your friends a bitch. Hes butt hurt because when he first started posting in there i said id love to run the gtr and he got all butt hurt saying there was no way id take it at the strip, the highway or road course. I said im pretty positive at the track id kill him, the highway id yank him also and he’d walk around me on a road course. Then big shot, waiting on a acess port price to drop from $800 to a lower price tries to say he’ll run me for $5,000. Well, he never got back to me on any of that. I think its hillarious hes still thinking about me

lol owns a gtr, but cant spend the $800 for an accessport :Idiots

I want to run said GTR to school on.

What yr g.t.r ?

newer gtr35
he also had his 400whp turbo 350z there next to it

First year they made the new ones.

whats done to it?

Pretty sure just mid pipes. But, i was told in almoat exact words from him, “i wont get beat, ill ship the car to sean ivey and have him do whatever i want”. After telling me he is worth millions of dollars. That access port at $800 is a hard bargain though, gotta wait it out for the sale.