Saturday's cruise....(few pics)

Sat we went to Clifton Hill for lunch and ofcourse stopped at Downers:D Here are a few pics from when we pulled over. The Ferrari belongs to Josh Sankes who I graduated with and yes, it is a 430 spyder

not the greatest pics, but the cars are definitely :tup: was a great day for a cruise! where’d you eat? and going to the downer is always a :tup: also :smiley:

We ate at this place on Lundy’s lane…it’s a patio…very nice and food is always good.

I saw you three and a blue impreza on the 219 in springville… hott cars for sure!

Ya, we took a cruise to Ellicottville for lunch…was a good time for sure. Ryan has some nice pics

awesome pics.

did you guys go to downers saturday night? i heard sinbad was there. lol.

no, we went there sat afternoon. Not the greatest looking girls there during the day…

lol. you get better service for less money.

that is true…however Suductions is a “full Service” stop also.

today in Ellicottville

That has always been one of my favorite car blues. :tup: to nice rides

one of those 4 is not like the others!

I hear ya!

the red deffintly sticks out…

i think i saw you jerks up by chestnut ridge today… i was driving on the bridge and saw 2 vipers and a scooby drive under

not something you see everyday lol


That one on the end is stupid fast, I’d watch out…

…ok I lie.

Def a good cruise for the weather, I’ll post some of the pics I tried to snap on the way back via driver seat.

way to park at the police station…thats the most action that town as seen all year…

The more I see your car, the more I think That I should’ve maybe looked at the Viper before I bought the Vette.I really like your car and what it is or even like an 04 or so.The GM discount was nice but them damn Vipers really hold their value.
Where was that 430 at? Hopefully not on GI so I don’t have to see it.

2002 Viper GTS Final Edition 92/360

Just as I thought I did a GI tax search and Came up with his last name on a certain road (which I won’t mention) where I thought it looked familar.
How the hell did he afford that or much better even buy it?I assume he got it used(which is still 250K+):cry:


I really do like the 2nd pic in the first post, its kind of cool…

i think standing back a little bit and focusing more on something behind it… would really make the car look beautiful… Nice detailing work though very very nice shiny paint