Saturday's cruise....(few pics)


I can agrre with pretty much everything you said there.Where did he wind up getting the Fcar at? Did he order, ebay, dealer?Just trying to find out info for my hopefully one day purchase.Can’t believe that thing is on the Island tho.maybe I’ll never see it.
How many Vipers do they make a year anyways?I thought it was around 2K which would be about 30 K built since 92 or still less then what GM produces in vettes in 1 year.


The Fcar is on West River. that’s Josh’s second one if my memory serves me right. He also had a Carrera…Great cars to look at but maintaining them is another story. John who owns the 2001 lambo pays 5k each year just to ship the thing to Tampa so they can service it.

…the Viper production numbers I think are about 2-3k per year. Not many around…and the owners that do own these rarely drive them. I usually put about 4-6k annually on mine. Engines are built solid…many guys on the viper forums have well over 100k on their odometers and take them to the track.